Confessions of a Loc’d Goddess: End of an Era!!

Sooooo…. as we like to say, I did a thing. 😁 After 6 years, 9 months and 3 days, I made a very big decision. On 12/13/2020, I cut my locs off. Shocking to some, it was a decision I had been contemplating for a long time now; and the year I’ve had prompted a…

#ConfessionsOfALocdGoddess: The Water Retwist

So last night, I did a quick retwist on my hair, because these COVID roots were not cute anymor, ok? It wasn’t my best work, but it got the job done and I only used two key things: water and oil. I had my gel ready, and as I started, I quickly decided that I…

Confessions of a Loc’d Goddess: My Daughter’s Journey

For a long time, my daughter and i have had a love/hate relationship with her hair. She’s always had very beautiful, thick, curly hair. I would enjoy playing in her hair; but wash days were something we would both dread. Between her screaming at the thought of me even wanting to put water on it,…

A Little Loc Appreciation

It amazes me when people see my hair and say they love it. I’m like:  “really? Today of all days when I need to moisturize, wash and retwist?”   Edges look all kinds of disrespectful but people love it.  I guess I’m taking care of it pretty well!  Shoutout to all the beautifully loc’d men…

My Natural Hair: No Touching

Originally posted on Kjoywrites:
Simply put ‘Keep Your Hands to Yourself.’ Let’s talk topics are coming back. I’m here for it, so why not talk about natural hair and how it goes hand in hand with personal space. Some people will never understand that personal space is important not only in private but more so…

#ConfessionsOfALocdGoddess: My Tips for Healthy Growth

No one set of locs is the same, but I do feel as a natural hair community, there are several things that we can all learn from each other that keep one common goal in mind: strong, healthy hair. On the 11th, I will be at month 29 for my locs. I’ve noticed in recent…

#ConfessionsOfALocdGoddess: Just Because

Because y’all haven’t seen the amazing-ness that is this hair in a while. I love my hair most when it has more of the burgundy-copper-ish color to it. And this hang time is getting ridiculous. I’m loving every second of this journey, y’all just don’t know!

#ConfessionsOfALocdGoddess: Happy 2 Year Locversary

Recently, I celebrated 2 years of embracing this loc journey.  I’ve had a wonderful journey with my hair and I wouldn’t change it for the world! I’ve seen my hair grow and become stronger and healthier. In the past year, I’ve colored, had a few styles and adapted a pretty steady routine. Some of the…